
Academy Award Winning Sound Engineer 比尔·本顿 Joins 电影制作硕士 教师

比尔·本顿's expansive career has earned him three 奥斯卡提名, including one win 为 Best Sound 为 the 1990 western 与狼共舞.

Academy Award Winning Sound Engineer 比尔·本顿 Joins 电影制作硕士 教师 - Hero image

如果你问 比尔·本顿 in college what a sound re-recording mixer is, he would have told you he had no clue. Fast 为ward a few decades, Bill has been cr编辑 with that title on an incredible 110 films. That expansive career has earned him three 奥斯卡提名, including one win 为 Best Sound 为 the 1990 western 与狼共舞. Today, he’s a Course Director in 满帆’s new 电影制作硕士 程序.

So, how did someone who was thinking about studying either psychology or ornamental horticulture go from student to Oscar-winning sound engineer? 长话短说, it was a love 为 music that led to a job in a record store, that led to an entry level gig at the Record Plant studio in Los Angeles.

“The studio decided to get into film scoring. Everybody wanted to continue with the rock ’n roll thing, but I was just starting out as a second engineer 和 did whatever would get me in the control room,比尔回忆道. “I scored films 为 a couple of years, then transitioned into a job at MGM Studios. They asked me if I wanted to be a film dubbing mixer 和 I said, ‘Yeah, I’ll try it out.” My whole career was like that: a door opened 和 I walked through it to see what happened.”

Bill started off working on dubbing the film’s score, but eventually began dubbing dialogue 和 声音效果 as well. A sound re-recording mixer’s job is to take all of the tracks recorded during a film’s production, 伴随着添加的背景声音, 福利, 声音效果, 和音乐, 把它们混合到最后的混合物中. Bill says it’s a lot more involved than some people realize.

“很多人认为, ‘Most of that sound was already there on the set when they shot the scene,这根本不是真的,比尔说. “There’s very limited sound that’s recorded on production. 剩下的基本上都是你自己创造的. 如果你在拍西部片, 大多数的马, 牛, 箭头, 枪支需要被制造出来, 编辑, 并混进了最后的配乐.”

Featured image - 比尔·本顿 Dubstage Team

Bill (center) with Dubbing Stage Managers Mike Orlowski (left) 和 Course Director Dave Chmela (right).

Bill’s list of credits of impressive: He’s worked on Remember the Titans, Step Brothers, Groundhog Day你做的事!,仅举几例. 他赢得了 奥斯卡提名 为 Geronimo 和 独立日1990年获得最佳音效奖, 为 his work mixing the score 和 pre-dubbing various 声音效果 on 与狼共舞.

“To get that phone call when they announced the nominations was awesome,比尔说. “还有在典礼上, 这是当晚的第二个奖项, so I didn’t even have time to get nervous or anything.”

One of Bill’s favorite things about the film industry is getting to work on a constantly-changing, 项目范围广泛. 为 独立日, 比尔最具挑战性的角色之一, that included trying to figure out what aliens, 宇宙飞船, cities being destroyed would sound like. “It all had to be created from scratch,比尔说. “It was a mountain of work but it was a really fun movie.”

After a move from Cali为nia to Florida with his family, Bill now spends his time working with 电影制作硕士 students in the 电影制作 Thesis IV: 电影 Assembly 课程. It’s the second to last class be为e graduation, Bill works with the students to address a concept 为 their soundtrack, the editing 和 mixing on their thesis film projects. His class logs a lot of hours in the Dubbing Stage, where he works directly with his students 和 gets the chance to share some of his Academy Award-winning knowledge.

“The students have been wonderful; they’re excited to be here 和 they’re excited about their future careers,比尔说. “I was given a lot of opportunities 和 a lot of advice 和 had some really great mentors growing up. I think it’s always good to turn around give it back.”

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