

满帆’s 名人堂 ceremony is an annual event where we recognize a select group of graduates who have shown unique focus 和 dedication to their professional careers, 并继续激励我们的学生.


2010年的名人堂庆祝活动是我们最大的一次, 并于6月7日上午与学生们拉开了序幕, 工作人员, 和 special guests gathering on campus to honor the latest group of six graduates selected for induction.

The 2010 inductees into the 满帆大学 名人堂 are:

  • 莱斯利Brathwaite: 格莱美获奖混音工程师
  • 史蒂夫·Cainas: motion picture 和 television Production Coordinator for feature films 和 prime time series
  • 特洛伊DeVolld: 艾美奖剧情制片人/编剧提名
  • 马克·菲什曼: HBO系列的《OG官网》艾美奖得主 约翰·亚当斯以及许多故事片
  • Kristifir克莱因: 在皮克斯动画工作室设置建模领导
  • 马丁·桑托斯: 克莱尔兄弟的现场音响工程师/技术员. who has toured with Peter Frampton, Faith Hill, 和 Paul McCartney

The festivities started with the opening of the 满帆 Studios Gateway project, our new 2.占地2英亩,设有游戏制作工作室, 录音室, 和多功能/现场表演场地. Following a ribbon-cutting ceremony that included a speech from Florida Congressman Alan Grayson, guests walked the red carpet into the venue for a two-hour ceremony recognizing the achievements of this year’s inductees.

满帆总裁加里·琼斯主持了这次活动, 并解释说“通过OG官网名人堂”, we honor these extraordinary graduates who have paved the way for many more to follow in their footsteps.”  The grads were then introduced with individual video retrospectives chronicling highlights of their careers, followed by their induction by friends 和 colleagues who have played an important role in their professional development.

莱斯利·布瑞斯韦特是第一位获奖者, 和 was inducted by longtime friend 和 collaborator Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins from multi-platinum recording group TLC. 在坦率而感人的演讲中, Watkins spoke about the evolution of her decade-plus professional relationship with Leslie 和 joyfully concluded by saying “It’s an honor to induct my best friend on the entire planet.”

Next was Steve Cainas, whose video showcased his work on the hit series 失去了,以及故事片,如 Hudsucker代理 和 骑士与白昼. Steve was inducted by his friend, film producer Beth DePatie, who worked with him on 2009’s 名声. 领奖时, he acknowledged how rewarding the relationships he’s made in the industry have been to him, saying “There’s nothing more gratifying than being recognized by your peers for doing something that you truly love.”

Inductee Troy DeVolld echoed that sentiment, saying “Is this fun or what? I have to pinch myself sometimes because I can’t believe that this is my job.” Troy was inducted by friend 和 former classmate Ric Viers of Blastwave FX, who joked that their class knew Troy was special the first day he walked in wearing a suit 和 bow tie, 她说:“我们不知道这是不是特别的意思, 或者让特洛伊远离尖锐物品. 但我们很快发现是前者.”

Marc Fishman followed, with an induction speech by film editor Terilyn Shropshire (《一个疯狂黑人女人的日记爱 & 篮球), who spoke of Marc’s ability to use music 和 dialogue to express just the right emotion for a scene. 除了, Marc also had the honor of receiving a video message from director Rob Reiner, 他和谁合作过三部电影. Reiner congratulated Mark on his achievements, 和 said “I look forward to the next picture with you.” An emotional Fishman responded by thanking his wife 和 two daughters, 说“我真的觉得自己是我认识的最幸运的人.”

联合主任 如何训练你的龙迪安·德布洛斯(Dean Deblois)出席了克里斯蒂菲尔·克莱因的就职典礼. DeBlois spoke about Klein’s dedication to his work at Pixar on films like Up 和 《海底总动员》, 在领奖之后, 克莱因感谢他的朋友, saying “This really isn’t about me 和 my accomplishments as it is about the people who have lifted me up.”

Finally, 满帆 graduate Rich Flora (IT Manager for Clair Bros.)邀请了长期合作伙伴马丁·桑托斯(Martin“like”Santos), citing his passion for music 和 attention to detail as factors that have helped him excel in live production. 他还收到了彼得·弗兰普顿发自内心的视频信息, who explained how integral Santos has become to his live touring team.

在加里·琼斯最后的祝贺之后, the group moved to our 名人堂 exhibit where their installations were unveiled. 该结构包括一个播放视频的混合媒体墙, 音频剪辑, 图片, 和 industry credits showcasing highlights from throughout their careers. A separate exhibit also includes memorabilia from their long list of industry credits.

The day continued with the inductees gathering for a panel discussion with students, as well as a VIP dinner 和 private performance from Edwin McCain.

回顾今年的名人堂庆祝活动, 加里·琼斯说, “The core of 满帆大学’s success has always been centered around our students, 他们的成就, 实现他们作为毕业生的理想. The 名人堂 represents decades of outst和ing creative 和 technical contributions by our alumni to thous和s of entertainment industry projects, 以及他们在整个行业的影响力和领导地位.”

接下来还有三天的名人堂活动, 设有讲座及工作坊与入选者, 校园之旅, 和 finally capping off with a performance from MUTEMATH in the new live venue.

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